Academics Sophomore

Learn to Study the Right Way Before You Get to College

In college, you’ll be expected to do a lot of studying and homework, and you will have no one to hold you responsible for it except for yourself. If you don’t turn in assignments, the professors won’t get mad at you; they’ll just fail you. It’s tough going from a high school system where you always have someone badgering you to do your work to a college system in which the responsibility is only yours. But without good study skills, you won’t pass your classes, and you definitely won’t be eligible to play ball.

The biggest thing to learn now is how to prioritize. Start learning time management skills in high school so that by the time college rolls around, it’s second nature. Keep track of which assignments are due the soonest, which ones are going to be the hardest, and which are going to take the most time. Don’t be ashamed or afraid to start on things early. It’s a great feeling having a paper ready a few days before it’s even due. A lot of teachers will tell you that it is a good idea to take enough time to revise your work. You always want to turn in a polished product in college (rough drafts won’t cut it), but if you’re comfortable with what you’ve got, even if you have a few days left, just leave it be and move on. What you don’t want is to be rushing an important assignment at the last minute and turning something in that you know is not your best work.

Start working your study schedule around your baseball schedule. If you know that you’re going to have games all day over the weekend, don’t leave your homework for Sunday night. You’ll be exhausted by the time you get to it. It will not be your best work, and it will only drain you more. Figure out your baseball schedule for the week, and be smart about when you’ll have opportunities to study.

If you are someone who procrastinates, work to break that habit now. It seems tough to get motivated to start things early, but the more time management skills you have by the time you get to college, the better off you’ll be.

If nothing else, just remember, the most valuable asset you have in college is your time. You can choose to spend it in whatever way you want. Start learning how to manage your study time in high school. You’ll be able to use those skills in college to become a successful student and athlete.

You’ll do better in school by not procrastinating. I had a big problem with that in high school. Stay on top of your work. School work has to come first. We don’t have mandatory study hall but our coach pays attention to grades. Keep in contact with your professors. You are usually not going to be the first athlete in class. Staying on top of your work will give you time for other things too. There is a lot of work in DI baseball and a lot of expectations. It’s a pretty heavy workload. – Active D1 Pitcher, PA