KPB Blog

Using the Off Season to Get Better Grades

We’ve already shared ideas about how to make the most of your off season so that you come back next season rested, better, and stronger. Now that you are off school, you may be thinking about sleeping in, spending time with friends, and improving your skills playing video games. There’s nothing wrong with that.  But you may not realize that you can also use the off season to get ready for your classes next year.  Just a few minutes a day this winter can help you get better grades and increase your options when you’re deciding where you want to play college ball.

Try these tips to stay sharp and prepared for next semester.

1. Get organized.

You’ve been busy with Fall Ball, school, and everything else for months. You’ve probably lost any organization you had right before school started. Take some time to get your desk sorted out and cleared off. Put your supplies in obvious places so you’ll always know where they are. If you don’t have a desk, use a box to keep your supplies in. Find a folder, big envelope, or basket to keep nearby for all of your assignments. Looking for assignments is a huge waste of time and athletes don’t have time to waste.

2. Get into a reading routine.

Once school starts, you’re going to be reading a lot. Reading is one of those things that gets easier the more you do it. In the off season, you don’t have to blast through the English-class reading list (unless you want to get ahead) but you should try to spend at least 15 to 30 minutes a day reading something – books you like, magazines, articles online, whatever interests you. Make it a habit and it will be easier to keep going once school starts again.

3. Learn at least one new thing, every day.

If you have had a tough time in any of your classes, the off season is a perfect time to get some extra help so you can get back on track. Sometimes, focusing on just one topic or class can make it a lot easier to understand things that seem confusing. If you didn’t have any trouble with your classes, it will still be worth your time to promise yourself to keep learning all winter long – even if it is just one thing per day. Find out more about what interests you. Ask questions, watch videos, read blogs, and try new skills that have nothing to do with baseball. Keep your mind in shape along with your body and you’ll come back ready to dominate in the classroom as well as on the field.